Caniverm Fenbendazole Anti-parasite Deworming 10 Pills for Humans, Animals & Pets. Active Components:
Fenbendazole 150 mg, Pyrantel emboat 144 mg, Praziquantel 50 mg, substance for 1 tablet.
Fenbendazole arrives orally to parasites and blocks the polymerization of the structural protein of the tubulinei, inside the axons of the nerves, interfering with the transport function of the parasite absorption cells.
Pyrantel pamoat acts as a nicotine-cholinergic antagonist in glands, which causes spastic neuro-muscle palsy of the parasite.
Praziquantel increases the permeability of cell membranes for calcium ions, which determines muscle contractions of the parasite.
Parasitosis determined by nematodes and trematode in dogs, cats, felines and Canidae:
Toxocara canis, Toxocara, Toxascaris Leonina, Stenocephala Ancylostoma, caninum foxes, Trichuris-cus Echinococ, Granulosus Echinococcus, Multilocularis Dipylidium, Caninum spp., Taenia Multiceps and Multiceps-Mesoces spp.
Cisticercozele Ocular and Spinal Neurocisticercoidozele. Liver disorders.
Interactions: Do not administer simultaneously with piperazine-based preparations or other antiparasitic agents.
Route of Administration:
To be administered orally.
Tablets can be administered separately or embedded in a piece of food.
Only one dose is given.
Do not administer together with dairy.
Felines and canidelors in zoos, circuses, etc. It is recommended to administer the product in a broken form and embedded in pieces of meat which are given in the morning in cages, corresponding to the number of animals.
Puppies, small dogs and cats:-1 tablet 0.175 g/0.5 – 2 kg body weight,
-½ tablet 0.7 g or 2 tablets 0.175 g/2 – 5 kg body weight.
Medium Dogs:-1 tablet 0.7 g or 4 tablets 0.175 g/5 – 10 kg body weight.
Large dogs or large carnivores:-1 tablet 0.7 g for every 10 kg weight.
Side effects:
Vomiting, hives may occur after administration. These are reactions to proteins resulting from the death of parasites and are not due to the reaction to the drug.
In pregnant dogs, accurate calculation of the dosing dose is required.
In puppies it is recommended to administer the preparation from the age of 3 weeks of life then regularly every 3 months.
Waste or empty vials will be handled according to the local regulations in force.
Keeping: in dry and dark place, in the original packaging at temperatures up to 25 º C.
Avoid the light! Do not use the product after the expiry date on the label.
UPON ARRIVAL: Immediately transfer your leeches out of the container with special gel and into a jar of cold water!
HOW TO GET THEM OUT: Pour out the gel with the leeches from the container. If the leeches are still inside, you may add a bit of cold water and swoosh everything around vigorously. If they are still stuck to the walls, you may try to use your fingers. Regular tweezers may harm the body of the leech, so they are not recommended for use - its best to purchase the recommended leech forceps used for easy removal and handling of the leech. In the absence of forceps, be sure to handle your leeches quickly, so they don’t start sucking blood from your fingers.
BEST CONTAINER TO USE: Keep your leeches in a large glass (or plastic) jar with a tight lid. The container needs to be filled about 1/3 full of ice-cold water. The lid needs to be closed and you may puncture needle-size holes in it. Alternatively, instead of a lid, you may cover your jar with cloth tied with an elastic band.
CARE: Change the leech-water at least once a week. Dump out old water by shaking it around vigorously first, with the lid on, until the leeches’ skins come off (they shed their skins about once a week). Skins appear as slimy whitish-clear particles, floating in the water. Carefully pour-out the old water with skins, taking care not to pour out any of the leeches, then, refill the jar again, close and shake. Repeat this process as many times as needed, until all the skins are completely gone and the water is perfectly clear. Fill the jar again with 1/3 cold water (its ok to use tap) and close the lid tightly.
Keep your jar with leeches in a cold, partly dark place, away from direct sunlight. During winter, they can be kept outdoors, partly-covering the jars with a towel, to protect from full sun-exposure. We do not advise you to feed your leeches during winter. Leech species can keep for 1 year without feeding. Keep your fed leeches apart from the hungry ones, as they will prey on each other. Be sure to purchase separate jars, to separate your fed and hungry leeches properly.